Guy Ishai

Guy Ishai
Economics, Social Sciences (2020-2024)

In situations of uncertainty, our beliefs about risk taking and possible outcomes shape important personal and social decisions. Based on these beliefs, we must decide, for example, how to protect ourselves during pandemics, or how rigorously to combat global warming. My research attempts to explore and optimize methods aimed to measure and quantify such beliefs, to improve our understanding of what these beliefs might be, what underlies them and how they shape behavior.

Interdisciplinarity is crucial to my research; before turning to economics I earned a degree in the natural sciences. I enjoy using insights from psychology, philosophy, and other fields in order to broaden the scope of my disciplinary investigation. I dream that one day economic theoretical models, based on empirical findings, will explain the human world as successfully as physics explains the natural world. (Well, just getting closer would be great.) In the meantime, I enjoy hiking, learning new things, and spending time with the people I love.